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Curriculum Aims

Our Aims

  • To ensure all children can read to the expected standard to ensure they can access all elements of the curriculum
  • To provide children their curricular entitlement and ensure it is purposeful, relevant and accessible for all
  • To provide MAGICAL learning opportunities for all children
  • To provide opportunities for the application of skills and understanding
  • To promote application of speaking, listening, writing and fluent mathematical skills
  • To support children’s knowledge of themselves and others (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural)
  • To promote a healthy lifestyle and ensure well-being and safety for all

 We would like children to...

  • Speculate, imagine, see possibilities and solve problems
  • Ask ‘What if…’ questions
  • Visualise alternatives, think from different perspectives
  • Make connections and apply their learning
  • Question and challenge
  • Reflect critically to review progress and make perceptive observations
  • Share and develop ideas together
  • Promote reasoning and argument