Live - Anti-bullying Policy
Anti-bullying Policy
Policy details
- Date created - 01/07/2024
- Date approved - 13/06/2024
- Next review date - 01/09/2025
- Policy owner - Shirley Carrigan and Paul Atkins
Staff at Co-op Academy Grove have high expectations of behaviour at all times and we are committed to developing an anti-bullying culture where the bullying of adults and children is not tolerated in any form. The academy rules of “Be Ready, Be Respectful and Be Safe” mean that everyone is committed to creating an environment where everyone is expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same. Our academy has a motto which underpins our values. Co-op Academy Grove’s motto, ‘Where every child really does matter’ underpins our vision to develop thoughtful individuals who respect the differences of others; who value the fact that everyone is different; who work together with consideration for others.
The aim of our Anti-Bullying Policy is to ensure that pupils learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment without fear of being bullied. We recognise that bullying of any description prevents this being able to happen whilst affecting equality of opportunity. It is everyone’s responsibility to prevent this happening and the purpose of this policy contains guidelines to safeguard the well-being of every child in our academy. Where bullying exists, the victims must feel confident to activate the anti-bullying systems within the academy to end the bullying. It is our aim to always challenge attitudes about bullying behaviour, increase understanding for bullied pupils and to maintain an anti-bullying ethos in the academy.
Bullying is defined as behaviour by an individual or a group, repeated over time that intentionally hurts another individual either physically or emotionally.
The four main types of bullying are:
· physical - kicking; hitting; taking belongings;
· verbal - name calling, taunting, mocking, making offensive comments;
· indirect - producing offensive graffiti, gossiping, excluding people from groups and spreading hurtful and untruthful rumours;
· cyberbullying - sending offensive, upsetting and inappropriate messages by phone, text, instant messenger, through gaming, websites, social media sites and apps, and sending offensive or degrading photos or videos. (See Safeguarding and e-Safety Policy)
Bullying is recognised by the academy as being a form of child-on-child abuse. It can be emotionally abusive and can cause severe and adverse effects on children’s emotional development. Bullying can happen to anyone.
The academy works hard to ensure that all pupils know the difference between bullying and isolated incidents of conflict.
Potential causes
This policy covers all types and forms of bullying and at Co-op Academy Grove. We recognise that bullying can occur for no apparent reason but can often be related to various factors:
- Bullying related to physical appearance;
- Bullying of young carers, children in care or otherwise related to home circumstances;
- Bullying related to physical/mental health conditions;
- Bullying related to race, religion, faith and belief and for those without faith;
- Bullying related to ethnicity, nationality or culture;
- Bullying related to Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND);
- Bullying related to sexual orientation (homophobic/bi-phobic bullying);
- Gender based bullying, including transphobic bullying;
- Bullying as a result of underlying mental health issues.
Impact of bullying
Staff are vigilant in looking out for potential signs of bullying which may include:
· Physical: unexplained bruises, scratches, cuts, missing belongings, damaged clothes, or school work, loss of appetite, stomach aches, headaches;
· Emotional: e.g. losing interest in academy, withdrawn, secretive, unusual shows of temper, refusal to say why unhappy, high level of anxiety, mood swings, tearfulness for no reason, lack of confidence, signs of depression;
· Behavioural: asking to be taken to academy, wanting to go home from academy, taking longer to get home, asks for more money, using different routes to academy, ‘losing’ more items than usual, sudden changes in behaviour and mood, concentration difficulties.
Strategies are in place to teach children and raise awareness of issues surrounding bullying to ensure incidents are minimal and prevented where possible:
· Weekly assemblies cover themes including bullying and the surrounding issues;
· P.S.H.E. curriculum coverage and where possible, opportunities are provided in other areas of the curriculum;
· Circle times;
· Academy Council provide peer support;
· Anti-bullying messages displayed around academy;
· Anti-bullying has a high profile throughout the year, reinforced through key opportunities such as anti-bullying week;
· Systematic opportunities to develop pupils’ social and emotional skills, including building their resilience and self-esteem are provided regularly;
· Pupil’s views on the extent and nature of bullying are regularly sought.
· Clear guidelines are given regularly to ensure pupils understand the academy’s approach by:
- Knowing how to express worries and anxieties about bullying;
- Being aware of the range of sanctions which may be applied should bullying occur;
· Pupils are involved in policy writing and decision making, to ensure that they understand the academy’s approach and are clear about the part they play in preventing bullying;
· Pupils are involved in anti-bullying campaigns in school and messages embedded in the wider academy curriculum;
· Pupil voice is utilised in providing pupil-led education and support;
· The details of internal support, as well as external helplines and websites, are publicised.
Academy actions
All reported incidents will be investigated and taken seriously by all members of staff. In the case of suspected bullying, the following steps will be taken when dealing with incidents:
· If bullying is suspected or reported, the incident will be dealt with immediately by a member of staff. The victim will be reassured that the report will be fully investigated;
· A clear account, detailing the allegations, will be recorded as an incident on CPOMS and passed to a member of the senior leadership team for full investigation;
· Relevant STAFF will be notified of the alleged incident to raise awareness of the situation via staff briefing;
· A member of the Senior Leadership Team will contact the parents of the victim and the perpetrator to inform them of the actions taken by the academy. The actions will be added to the incident record on CPOMS;
· A meeting will take place with the parents/carers of the child who has made the bullying allegation and a member of the SLT team. Following the bullying allegation process an action plan will be written and agreed.
· A Senior Leader will interview all concerned and ensure that all actions from the action plan are completed within the agreed timeframe. Outcomes will be recorded on the action plan.
· All observations, interviews and any other evidence from the investigation will be recorded as an incident onto CPOMs.
· Following the investigation and completion of the action plan, parents/carers of the child who made the bullying allegation will be invited to a further meeting. Here the outcomes of the investigations will be discussed and parent/carers’ views sought. Within this meeting it will be communicated as to whether the bullying allegation was founded or unfounded.
· If bullying includes racist abuse, then it should be reported to the Principal or Deputy Principal to be recorded and reported as a Racial Incident to Governors.
· Harassment of pupils with a disability will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in line with the academy’s behaviour policy;
· Upon discovery of an incident of bullying, we will discuss with the children the issues appropriate to the incident and to their age and level of understanding. If it is deemed to be a friendship issue, a problem-solving and monitoring approach is implemented and parents kept informed.
· Where necessary staff will refer to the academy’s Behaviour Policy regarding any necessary immediate sanction;
· If the incident is related to some form of Cyberbullying, the staff will refer to the academy’s E-Safety Policy - keeping any evidence (screenshots) of the bullying activity, providing advice on blocking or removing people from contact lists and if required, working with online service providers to assist in removing offensive material from circulation;
· Bullying outside of the academy will also be the concern of the academy. Incidents of such should be reported to the academy so action can be taken;
· Persistent bullying may result in permanent exclusion.
Support for victims:
· Reassurance for the victim;
· Providing continuous pastoral support;
· Buddy system / play leaders;
· Offering an immediate opportunity to discuss the experience with a Senior Leader, their teacher or a member of staff of their choice;
· One-to-one support from the Pastoral team;
· Offering continuous support – daily opportunity to chat with a trusted adult for a fixed period of time;
· Restoring self-esteem and building resilience and confidence;
· Strategies will be implemented for victims who are worried about openly discussing an incident;
· Where necessary, working with the wider community and local/national organisations to provide further or specialist advice and guidance, which may support through Early Help or Children Social Work Service, or through the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).
Pupils who have perpetrated bullying will be helped by:
· Discussing what happened, establishing the concern and the need to change the behaviour;
· Informing parents/carers to support the academy changing their attitude towards bullying;
· Providing emotional and social support, promoting self-esteem and self-discipline, in circumstances where behaviour has indicated mental health needs;
· Support from the Pastoral Team – appropriate social interventions;
· Consequences and sanctioning, in line with our academy Behaviour Policy;
· Where necessary, working with the wider community and local/national organisations to provide further or specialist advice and guidance, which may include involvement from the Police or referrals to Early Help, Children Social Work Service, or the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS);
· Monitoring to ensure their actions comply with the academy’s policies and expectations.
Academy Procedures
Our academy will ensure that:
· Bullying is tackled from the perspective of the victim and the perpetrator by focussing on building resilience, reparation and understanding the bullying behaviour;
· All pupils are aware that they must report any incidence of bullying to an adult within academy, and that when another pupil tells them that they are being bullied or if they see bullying taking place it is their responsibility to report their knowledge to a member of staff;
· We acknowledge, support and value the involvement of our pupils in identifying and reporting bullying in academy;
· The School Council liaises with academy staff and reports back regularly on behaviour in the playground;
· Records and reports of incidents are regularly monitored and evaluated to ensure that the policy is being consistently applied;
· Any issues identified will be incorporated into the academy’s action planning;
· The principal will be informed of bullying concerns, as appropriate;
· The Safeguarding Governor will report on a regular basis to the Governing Body on incidents of bullying, including outcomes.
Working in Partnership
Parents are strongly encouraged to inform the academy of any concerns regarding their children. All reports will be taken seriously. The parents of bullies and their victims will be informed of an alleged incident and the action that has taken place, and asked to support strategies proposed to tackle the problem. The bully will also be reminded of the possible consequences and the sanctions for repeated incidents will be clearly explained. A follow-up meeting between parents and a member of SLT will be arranged.
This Anti- Bullying’ policy has been produced following consultation with all stakeholder and is recognised as an integral part of our Behaviour Policy and Online Safety Policy.