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Live - Pupil Premium Policy

Pupil Premium Policy

Policy details

  • Date created - January 2025
  • Date reviewed - January 2025
  • Next review date - January 2026
  • Policy owner - Mrs C Robinson

Pupil Premium funding

Pupil Premium is funding allocated to schools for the specific purpose of raising the attainment of pupils who claim or have claimed free school meals in the last 6 years, placed in care (Looked after Children) and children whose parents are members of the Armed Forces.

At Co-op Academy Grove we accept responsibility for ‘social and economically disadvantaged pupils’ and are committed to meeting their pastoral, social and academic needs within the school environment and closing attainment gaps.

Our policy is to implement a robust Pupil Premium strategy which is regularly reviewed, monitored and evaluated to ensure maximum impact on the progress and attainment of our vulnerable pupils.

Aims of the Pupil Premium strategy

To provide all pupils with fair and equal opportunities to achieve and excel in all areas of the curriculum; using and applying the most effective pedagogy, (see Learning & Teaching Policy), supported by use of additional, delegated funding.

To work in partnership with families and pupils eligible for Pupil Premium, to plan, monitor and evaluate support and intervention in order to secure individual progress and achievement.

To work with external partners and organisations to provide additional support for the social, emotional, health and well-being of all pupils with potential barriers to learning and achievement.

To ensure Trustees fulfil statutory responsibilities to make effective use of Pupil Premium funds in order to impact positively on pupils' achievement and attainment.

Reporting effectiveness of the Pupil Premium funding

It will be the responsibility of the Senior Leaders to report to the Co-op Trust Regional Director on:

  • The improvement of outcomes for pupils and progress made towards narrowing gaps.
  • An outline of the provision and on-going evaluation of effectiveness.
  • An evaluation of value for money showing impact on outcomes for pupils.
  • A summary of attendance and punctuality data and showing impact of intervention/support.

The Pupil Premium strategy is evaluated each year to show the impact of Pupil Premium funding and is published on the academy website.