Our Values
We will encourage our children and staff to be MAGIC learners throughout their lives, being Motivated and Communicating well with others will inspire good Attitudes for learning and empower them to use their Gumption and understand how they learn best.
We will inspire children to learn through creative, exciting and challenging learning experiences which will broaden their horizons and inspire them to be whatever they want to be.
Our academy is a safe and secure environment, we are vigilant and prioritise pupils’ welfare. Our children are listened to and feel safe and staff are effective when a pupil may be at risk in any way.
We will constantly challenge ourselves, take risks and innovate to ensure our curriculum is broad, balanced, challenging and linked to our children’s interests.
All staff lead by example, we recognise and value diversity, respecting everyone for who they are. Our staff ensure everyone can take part and everyone has the opportunity to be all they can be. We do not tolerate any prejudice.
We believe in Charitable Acts—If you want to feel good, then do good! We will consult with parents and will nominate charities for each year who we will support.
Our academy is in modern Britain and the promotion of fundamental British values are at the heart of the academy’s work and impact positively on children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
We protect our pupils from radicalisation and extremism and ensure high quality training develops staff’s vigilance, confidence and competency to challenge pupils’ and parents’ views and encourage debate.
All staff share our commitment to improvement, and we have a commitment to develop all staff through induction, empowerment and supported delegation. Our Appraisal systems challenge and support teachers’ improvement so that teaching is highly effective.
Everyone matters and everyone is special within our academy and we welcome both internal and external challenge and feedback because we are committed to using our resources most effectively to achieve the best standards possible.