Community Council Member (CCM)
Academy Community Council - Parent Vacancy
We are excited to announce that we have a parent vacancy for our Academy
Community Council. If you are interested in supporting our academy by being a
Parent Community Councillor, we would love to hear from you. Further information
can be arranged by contacting our Business Manager Kate Osborne -
Our Academy Community Councils (ACCs) are made up of Community Council
Members (CCMs). ACCs are the local governance layer of Co-op Academies Trust
and are committees of the Trust Board. ACCs are a vital part of the governance of
the Trust, one of their most important roles is to be able to capture the voice of the
stakeholders and community and communicate this upwards through the Trust.
CCMs within the ACC will:
● In all interactions adhere to the ACC code of conduct, the Nolan principles of
public life and the Co-op values and Ways of Being
● Ensure that safeguarding the children in our academies is always at the
forefront of their work and communications
● Work together as a team, contributing to and supporting strategic
discussions relating to academy development planning and key strategic
● Ensure the Co-op values and Ways of Being are embedded in the academy’s
practice and ethos
● Oversee, monitor and seek to improve staff and pupil wellbeing by visiting
the academy and meeting with staff and pupils
● Monitor and promote positive student behaviour and attendance
● Ensure effective parental and community engagement and make sure key
challenges and issues in the community are brought to the attention of the
Trust Board
● Liaise with the Academy Community Pioneer and Regional Community
Manager to ensure the academy’s community plan is in line with the needs of
the academy’s community and support the plan’s implementation
● Monitor the experience of vulnerable groups, particularly through
interactions with pupils and key staff to ensure policy translates into practice.
This includes children with special educational needs, children who qualify for
the pupil premium grant and any other groups identified as at risk of
underachievement by the academy
● Identify and maintain oversight of the academy’s top strategic risks and
ensure these are communicated to the Trust board.
● Monitor the academy’s career provision through discussions with pupils and
relevant members of staff and work with the academy to establish and
maintain strong business links within and outside of the academy’s
● Ensure that the activities of the academy are meeting the needs of the
community, promoting equality and eliminating discrimination, through
interactions with pupils, staff and parents.
● Keep the Trust Board informed regarding any issues that should need input
from the Trust Board or impact on Trust wide decision making
● Promote the positive reputation of the academy in the local community
● Help stakeholders understand the Trust’s values and vision for the future
● Undertake induction training and engage in ongoing development
● Make a positive and meaningful contribution to the ACC by attending
meetings, reading papers and preparing questions in advance (one meeting
per term)
● Get to know the school, by occasionally visiting the school during school
hours and attending events